Português como língua de pedido do sistema internacional de marcas
The Portuguese Language In Application for International Trade Marks
“The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), took a decisive step towards the introduction of the Portuguese language as a language of application for international registration of brands, products and services, in parallel with the English, French and Spanish languages.
In Late September 2012, the WIPO Working Group on the Legal Development of the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks, proposed to the General Assembly a pilot project for a limited number of national industrial property representative bodies to adopt Portuguese as an additional official working language of the international order. It was also agreed to communicate electronically with WIPO and to establish a database of accepted linguistic terms to indicate products and services in the new languages of request.
António Campinos, as Chairman of the Working Group and also President of the Portuguese Instituto Nacional De Propriedade Industrial (INPI) – the National Institute of Industrial Property, was able to establish Portuguese language and good practice together. The modernization strategy at INPL and its use of the most advanced information technologies means that the INPI meets all requirements to participate in the pilot project and can help to ensure the introduction of Portuguese among the languages of application filing for international registration marks.
In this sense, this decision, in addition to being another victory for Portugal and the promotion and defense of the Portuguese language, will benefit all Lusophone countries that are part of the System Madrid.”
Source: Portal da Lusofonia [original text in Portuguese]