
The Fencing Sports Development Committee in Angola took an important step forward in achieving its objectives last week.  A sponsorship agreement with the construction company Exergia will provide support for  actions of the committee and make provision of equipment for the next  four years.

The agreement made between Domingos Pascoal, of the Fencing  Committee and Engineer Madaleno, director of Exergia Angola,  involves the purchasing of equipment: masks, suits, socks, gloves, body wires  and  weapons: swords, rapiers and sabers.  A financial support package is also gifted to assist in the promotion of the sport.

At the presentation event Exergia gave thirty complete sets of fencing equipment to the committee, Domingos Pascoal believes that the equipment received the will help to start the expansion of this sport to the rest of the country.

Fencing (evolved from the ancient arts of swordsmanship) where the aim is to touch the opponent with a blade, while avoiding being touched yourself. There are three fencing disciplines: Foil,  Épée and Saber, differing not only in the shape of the blade and  how the weapons are used but also in areas of the body where a touch (or target point ) is valid. In Luanda, Domingos Pascoal says, there are already two schools of Fencing:  in Gamek, where soon there will soon be a dedicated room for its practice, and at the 3030 school a former juvenile criminal rehabilitation  centre, where people interested in Fencing  can find a haven.

"Because this is  a weapon based sport, it is necessary that those who wish to practice this art, can do it in an appropriate place with appropriate means; that's why we are creating specially equipped rooms in Luanda," he stated. The Installation Committee is already recognized by the Provincial Directorate of Sport Luanda and seeks recognition elsewhere. Established in 2008, the commission represents a group of about 40 athletes and hopes to triple/expand? the number of participants soon. The training of teachers and monitors  is a major priority for the committee. The officer in charge, assured the committee that before the end of this year, a training course will be given to develop teachers and programme monitors

The vast province of Kwanza Sul is the next area we hope to expand into. The Fencing Sports Development Committee is also already thinking about expanding into other parts of the country. The batch of equipment received from Exergia is, according to Domingos Pascoal, a key step for the expansion of the committee activities. "Everything depended on this step we have just made. There is a strong interest in fencing in Kwanza Sul and it should be one of the provinces where we will begin to establish its reputation. Huambo and Huila are also provinces where we want to promote this activity, even though it might be a little harder." he said.

Fencing is a recognized discipline at the Olympic and Paralympics Games. "We have developed contacts with the Paralympic Committee to create a Fencing Team to apply to take part in the Paralympics”, he revealed. In its activities, the commission has institutional support from the Ministry of Youth and Sports.