The Seasteading Institute (TSI), headquarted in Palo Alto, CA, is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with the mission of furthering the establishment of permanent, autonomous ocean communities. In opening a new frontier, we will improve the human condition worldwide by enabling innovation with new political and social systems. We were recently covered in Wired and The Sunday Times, and in 2008 we received $500,000 of initial funding from Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal and early investor in companies such as Facebook and LinkedIn.
TSI is working to make seasteading a reality by focusing on three different long-term projects:
Working on the engineering challenges inherent in living on the sea.
Developing business models that would function on seasteads, in order to attract capial investment to the sector.
Building a community around seasteading, and increasing awareness of the benefits that a successful seasteading movement would make available to humanity.