The 10th Edition of Projekta -the International Exhibition of Equipment and Materials for Construction, Public Works, Urbanism and Architecture was held between the 25th and 28th October at the Luanda International Fair (FILDA) site, this month. The organizers at FILDA welcomed 380 companies from Portugal, South Africa, Brazil, Italy and Turkey, under the theme "Designing the future, constructing the present."


Among the Portuguese and African Portuguese speaking companies Exergia Angola presented their services along with other companies from the Exergia Group: Topox, Globalgeo and SolX, in partnership with LEICA. They presented products and services in the areas of Geology, Geotechnical Engineering, Surveying and Energy, fundamental to the building, reconstruction and infrastructure development industries.

This event is all the more significant because in March this year the Angolan government passed a new law allowing the first public-private partnerships in the sectors of energy, sanitation, ports, airports and logistics.

At Exergia we welcomed the opportunity to take part in the event and look forward to attending again next year.