In the Angolan provincial capital Ndalatando, on Saturday the 18th of August Mr. Fernando Fonseca, The minister of Urbanization and Construction, conducted the inauguration of the road network fundamental to Kwanza Norte province. Under the road rehabilitation programme for the country several road sections have recently been completed under Exergias’ construction works supervision: In the province of Kwanza Norte the road connection Ndalatando, Caxilo, Golungo and Alto, (51km), and the road connection Dondo to Alto Dondo, (6km) and 4.5km of roads in the city Dondo in the municipality of Kambambe. These works were part of the commission that also included the 60km section of National Road 230 (Maria Teresa to Caxilo) each road consists of 4m single lane two way traffic with 2m lay-bys, which was also recently inaugurated.